Punta Cormorant
Punta Cormorant
Punta Cormorant lies along the northern shores of Floreana Island. The visit begins with a wet landing on a small remote beach behind which is hidden a secluded brackish water lagoon. Make sure to keep your eyes open for flamingos and other shorebirds that like to feed in the area. Along the interior, take time to admire small land birds like Darwin’s finches and Galapagos flycatchers. On the other side of the landing site sits a beach of fine coral where Pacific green sea turtles nest.
Destination | Floreana Island |
Activities | • Hike • Beach • Snorkeling • Kayaking or paddle-board • Dinghy ride |
Inhabitants | No |
Type of Landing | Wet landing |
Tours Allowed | Cruise ship |
Greater flamingo | Phoenicopterus ruber - R |
Blue footed booby | Sula nebouxii - ES |
Brown pelican | Pelecanus occidentalis - ES |
Small ground finch | Geospiza fuliginosa - E |
Black-necked stilt | Himantopus mexicanus |
Whitetip reef shark | Triaenodon obesus - N |
Galapagos green turtle | Chelonia_mydas_agassizii - ES |
White-cheeked pintail | Anas bahamensis galapagensis - ES |
Yellow warbler | Dendroica petechia |
Sally lightfoot crab | Grapsus grapsus - N |
Galapagos sea lion | Zalophus wollebaeki - E |
Galapagos penguin | Spheniscus mendiculus - E |
Willet | Catoptrophorus semipalmatus |
Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus - R |
Ruddy turnstone | Arenaria interpres |
Galapagos hermit crab | Calcinus explorator -E |
Semi-terrestrial hermit crab | Coenobita compressus -N |
Medium tree finch | Camarhynchus pauper - E |
Button mangrove | Conocarpus erecta - N |
Saltbush | Cryptocarpus pyriformis - N |
Galapagos croton or chala | Croton scouleri - E |
Needle leafed daisy | Macraea laricifolia - E |
Palo santo | Bursera_graveolens - N |
Palo verde | Parkinsonia aculeata - N |
Mesquite | Prosopis juliflora - N |
Galapagos cotton | Gossypium darwinii - E |
Muyuyu | Cordia lutea - N |
Pearl berry | Vallesia glabra -E |
Black mangrove | Avicennia germinans - N |
Red mangrove | Rhizophora mangle - N |
White mangrove | Laguncularia racemosa - N |
Leatherleaf | Maytenus octogona - N |
Galapagos bitterbush | Castela galapageia - E |
Mesquite | Prosopis juliflora - N |
Ink berry | Scaevola plumieri - N |
Passion flower | Passiflora foetida - E |
Stickleaf | Mentzelia aspera - N |
Galapagos milkwort | Polygala spp. - E |
Beach morning glory | Ipomoea pes-caprae - N |
Galapagos lantana | Lantana peduncularis - E |
Galapagos clubleaf | Nolana galapagensis - E |
Floreana cutleaf daisy | Lecocarpus pinnatifidus - E |
Longhaired scalesia | Scalesia villosa - E |
Parkinsonia | Parkinsonia aculeata - N |
Spiny Bush | Scutia spicata var. pauciflora - E |
Champion Islet
Floreana Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: No landing
Luz del Dia
Floreana Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: No landing
Punta Carrion
Santa Cruz Island
Difficulty: Easy / Moderate
Landing: No landing