South Plaza Island
South Plaza Island
Located just off the eastern coast of Santa Cruz Island, South Plaza Island was formed by the uplifting of the sea floor. During your hike, search for the yellow dragons of the island, the Galápagos land iguanas. As you trek up the small island, admire the views from the edge of the cliffs and watch for birds like frigates, yellow-billed tropic birds, and swallow-tailed gulls. Along the trail and up the cliff tops, keep an eye out for Galápagos sea lions lazily resting on the rocky boulders. And finally, admire the prickly pear cactuses scattered throughout the entire landscape.
Destination | South Plaza Island |
Activities | Hiking or dinghy ride |
Inhabitants | No |
Type of Landing | Dry landing |
Tours Allowed | Land based or cruise ship |
Short eared owl | Asio flammeus galapagoensis - ES |
Galapagos land iguana | Conolophus subcristatus |
Marine iguana | Amblyrhynchus cristatus - E |
Galapagos petrel | Pterodroma phaeopygia - E |
Red-billed tropicbird | Phaethon aethereus |
Galapagos sea lion | Zalophus wollebaeki - E |
Albemarlensis lava lizard | Microlophus Albemarlensis - E |
Sally lightfoot crab | Grapsus grapsus - N |
Yellowtail mullet | Mugil rammelsbergi Tschudi - N |
Galapagos shearwater | Puffinus subalaris - E |
Red-billed tropicbird | Phaethon aethereus |
Magnificent frigatebird | Fregata magnificens magnificens |
Blue footed booby | Sula nebouxii - ES |
Nazca booby | Sula granti |
Brown noddy | Anous stolidus galapagensis - ES |
Brown pelican | Pelecanus occidentalis - ES |
Large cactus ground finch | Geospiza conirostris -E |
Small ground finch | Geospiza fuliginosa - E |
Galapagos mockingbird | Mimus parvulus - E |
Galapagos bitterbush | Castela galapageia - E |
Desert plum | Grabowskia boerhaaviaefolia - N |
Leatherleaf | Maytenus octogona - N |
Prickly pear cactus | Opuntia cactaceae - E |
Galapagos purslane | Portulaca howellii - E |
Galapagos carpetweed | Sesuvium edmonstonei - E |
Puncture Weed | Tribulus cistoides - N |
Spiny Bush | Scutia spicata var. pauciflora - E |
Puerto Ayora
Santa Cruz Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: Dry landing
Los Gemelos
Santa Cruz Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: Dry landing (by bus)
Trapiche Farm
Santa Cruz Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: Dry landing