Isabela Breeding Center
Isabela Breeding Center
Follow a boardwalk trail leading across wetlands and opuntia cactus fields to the Isabela Breeding Center. Along the way, observe different species of mangroves, native trees, and coastal lagoons. Observe flamingos, black-necked stilts, herons, and oyster catchers that inhabit the area. Once at the breeding center, you can see five different subspecies of Galapagos giant tortoise, all native to Isabela Island. Learn about the tortoise breeding program that aims to increase the populations of these remarkable animals and ensure their survival as a wild species.
Destination | Isabela Island |
Activities | • Hiking • Observe tortoises in corrals • Photography |
Inhabitants | Yes |
Type of Landing | Dry landing |
Tours Allowed | Land based or cruise yacht |
Sierra Negra giant-tortoise | Chelonoidis guntheri -E |
Common gallinule | Gallinula galeata |
White-cheeked pintail | Anas bahamensis galapagensis - ES |
Cerro azul giant-tortoise | Chelonoidis vicina - E |
Greater flamingo | Phoenicopterus ruber - R |
White-cheeked pintail | Anas bahamensis galapagensis - ES |
Cattle egret | Bubulcus ibis - R |
Smooth-billed ani | Crotophaga ani - N |
Galapagos mockingbird | Mimus parvulus - E |
Great egret | Ardea alba - N |
Black-necked stilt | Himantopus mexicanus |
Small ground finch | Geospiza fuliginosa - E |
Poison apple tree | Hippomane mancinella - N |
Mesquite | Prosopis juliflora - N |
Prickly pear cactus | Opuntia cactaceae - E |
Palo santo | Bursera_graveolens - N |
Lime prickly ash | Zanthoxylum Fagara - N |
Thorn shrub | Scutia Spicata var. pauciflora - N |
Galapagos croton or chala | Croton scouleri - E |
Glorybower | Clerodendrum molle - N |
Creole cotton | Gossypium barbadense - N |
Radiate-headed scalesia | Scalesia affinis - E |
Muyuyu | Cordia lutea - N |
Milkberry | Chiococca alba - N |
Leatherleaf | Maytenus octogona - N |
Nickernut | Caesalpinia bonduc - N |
Narrow-leafed Darwin bush | Darwiniothamnus tenuifolius - E |
White mangrove | Laguncularia racemosa - N |
Black mangrove | Avicennia germinans - N |
Red mangrove | Rhizophora mangle - N |
Button mangrove | Conocarpus erecta - N |
Volcan Chico
Isabela Island
Difficulty: Challenging
Landing: Dry Landing
Sierra Negra Volcano
Isabela Island
Difficulty: Moderate
Landing: Dry Landing
Wall of Tears
Isabela Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: Dry landing