Isabela Wetlands
Isabela Wetlands
Walk along the wetlands and appreciate the four species of coastal mangroves found among the brackish water lagoons. Observe the different species of waders, such as flamingos, stilts, gallinules, and whimbrels that feed in the area. The wetlands form a natural barrier protecting Puerto Villamil from waves and high tides. They are essential for the maintenance of biological diversity in the Galapagos. Several of the area’s inhabitants depend exclusively on the wetland to fulfill their life cycle, such as waders, crabs, land birds, and fish.
Destination | Isabela Island |
Activities | • Hiking • Biking ride |
Inhabitants | No |
Type of Landing | Dry landing |
Tours Allowed | Cruise ship or Island Hopping |
Marine iguana | Amblyrhynchus cristatus - E |
Galapagos penguin | Spheniscus mendiculus - E |
Albemarlensis lava lizard | Microlophus Albemarlensis - E |
Greater flamingo | Phoenicopterus ruber - R |
Lava gull | Leucophaeus fuliginosus - E |
Laughing gull | Leucophaeus atricilla |
Franklin's gull | Leucophaeus pipixcan |
Common gallinule | Gallinula galeata |
American oystercatcher | Haematopus palliatus galapagensis - ES |
Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus - R |
Black-necked stilt | Himantopus mexicanus |
Wandering tattler | Tringa incana |
Ruddy turnstone | Arenaria interpres |
Great blue heron | Ardea herodias - R |
Lava heron | Butorides sundevalli |
Yellow-crowned night heron | Nyctanassa violacea - ES |
Pied-billed Grebe | Podilymbus podiceps - PR |
White-cheeked pintail | Anas bahamensis galapagensis - ES |
Blue-winged teal | Anas discors - M |
Blue footed booby | Sula nebouxii - ES |
Brown pelican | Pelecanus occidentalis - ES |
Small ground finch | Geospiza fuliginosa - E |
Mesquite | Prosopis juliflora - N |
Prickly pear cactus | Opuntia cactaceae - E |
Parkinsonia | Parkinsonia aculeata - N |
Palo santo | Bursera_graveolens - N |
Red mangrove | Rhizophora mangle - N |
Black mangrove | Avicennia germinans - N |
Button mangrove | Conocarpus erecta - N |
White mangrove | Laguncularia racemosa - N |
Beach morning glory | Ipomoea pes-caprae - N |
Leatherleaf | Maytenus octogona - N |
Roca Union
Isabela Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: No landing
Punta Moreno
Isabela Island
Difficulty: Moderate
Landing: Dry landing
Wall of Tears
Isabela Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: Dry landing