Manglecito Beach
Manglecito Beach
El Manglecito consists of two visiting areas: the mangrove area and the beach area. The mangrove section consists of a brackish water lagoon, providing an ideal place to observe shore birds, finches, and waders. At the beach, enjoy the perfect place for recreation and swimming in crystal clear waters. The contrast between the blue sea and the white sand beach against the backdrop of green mangroves makes for a scenic and captivating experience.
Destination | San Cristobal Island |
Activities | • Beach • Snorkeling • Camping |
Inhabitants | No |
Type of Landing | Wet landing |
Tours Allowed | Land based or cruise ship |
Brown pelican | Pelecanus occidentalis - ES |
Ruddy turnstone | Arenaria interpres |
Blue footed booby | Sula nebouxii - ES |
Nazca booby | Sula granti |
Galapagos sea lion | Zalophus wollebaeki - E |
Great frigatebird | Fregata minor |
Swallow tailed gull | Creagrus furcatus |
San Cristobal lava lizard | Microlophus bivittatus - E |
San Cristobal mockingbird | Mimus melanotis |
Marine iguana | Amblyrhynchus cristatus - E |
Lava heron | Butorides sundevalli |
Yellow-crowned night heron | Nyctanassa violacea - ES |
King angelfish | Holacanthus passer -N |
Lava gull | Leucophaeus fuliginosus - E |
Mexican hogfish | Bodianus diplotaenia - N |
Panamic sergeant major | Abudefduf troschelii -N |
Red-billed tropicbird | Phaethon aethereus |
Razor surgeonfish | Prionurus laticlavius -N |
Least sandpiper | Calidris minutilla |
Yellowtail mullet | Mugil rammelsbergi Tschudi - N |
Yellow snapper | Lutjanus argentiventris - N |
Cut-leafed scalesia | Scalesia incisa - E |
Galapagos lantana | Lantana peduncularis - E |
Stickleaf | Mentzelia aspera - N |
Galapagos clubleaf | Nolana galapagensis - E |
Oily pectis | Pectis tenuifolia - E |
Galapagos carpetweed | Sesuvium edmonstonei - E |
Grey matplant | Tiquilia nesiotica - E |
Galapagos spurge | Chamaesyce spp. - E |
Common carpetweed | Sesuvium portulacastrum - N |
Thread-leafed chaff flower | Alternanthera filifolia - N |
Puncture Weed | Tribulus cistoides - N |
Muyuyu | Cordia lutea - N |
Spiny Bush | Scutia spicata var. pauciflora - E |
Saltbush | Cryptocarpus pyriformis - N |
Prickly pear cactus | Opuntia cactaceae - E |
Galapagos lantana | Lantana peduncularis - E |
Galapagos shore petunia | Exodeconus miersii - E |
Lobos Island
San Cristobal Island
Difficulty: Moderate
Landing: Dry landing
Loberia San Cristobal
San Cristobal Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: Wet or dry landing
Interpretation Center
San Cristobal Island
Difficulty: Easy
Landing: By bus or walking