Buccaneer Cove
Buccaneer Cove
Buccaneer Cove is a very scenic visitor site at the northwestern tip of Santiago Island. This area of the Galapagos archipelago was frequented by pirates and whalers as the name suggests. It is not possible any landing here, so you will snorkel exploring the area or during a dinghy ride. Some famous rocks emerge from the sea. They are called after what they look like, so there is the bishop rock and the elephant rock. You can observe different sea birds like blue-footed boobies and pelicans. It is also possible to go kayaking.
Destination | Santiago Island |
Activities | • Snorkeling • Dinghy ride • Kayaking |
Inhabitants | No |
Type of Landing | No landing |
Tours Allowed | Cruise ship or yacht |
Galapagos fur sea lion | Arctocephalus galapagoensis - E |
Galapagos sea lion | Zalophus wollebaeki - E |
Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus - R |
Wandering tattler | Tringa incana |
Galapagos dove | Zenaida galapagoensis - E |
Cattle egret | Bubulcus ibis - R |
Vermilion flycatcher | Pyrocephalus rubinus - R |
Small tree finch | Camarhynchus parvulus - E |
Galapagos petrel | Pterodroma phaeopygia - E |
Galapagos mockingbird | Mimus parvulus - E |
Galapagos green turtle | Chelonia_mydas_agassizii - ES |
Small ground finch | Geospiza fuliginosa - E |
Galapagos flycatcher | Myiarchus magnirostris |
Sally lightfoot crab | Grapsus grapsus - N |
Zig zag spider | Argiope aurantia - E |
Ruddy turnstone | Arenaria interpres |
Spotted sandpiper | Actitis macularius |
Solitary sandpiper | Tringa solitaria - A |
Marine iguana | Amblyrhynchus cristatus - E |
Galapagos land iguana | Conolophus subcristatus |
Galapagos hawk | Buteo galapagoensis - E |
Albemarlensis lava lizard | Microlophus Albemarlensis - E |
Swallow-tailed gull | Creagrus furcatus |
Smooth-billed ani | Crotophaga ani - N |
Cat's claw | Zanthoxylum fagara - N |
Galapagos croton or chala | Croton scouleri - E |
Needle leafed daisy | Macraea laricifolia - E |
Poison apple tree | Hippomane mancinella - N |
Acacia | Acacia spp. - N |
Saltbush | Cryptocarpus pyriformis - N |
Grey matplant | Tiquilia nesiotica - E |
Palo santo | Bursera_graveolens - N |
Galapagos bitterbush | Castela galapageia - E |
Muyuyu | Cordia lutea - N |
Prickly pear cactus | Opuntia cactaceae - E |
Spiny Bush | Scutia spicata var. pauciflora - E |
Scorpion weed | Heliotropium curassavicum L. - N |
Pearl berry | Vallesia glabra -E |
Glorybower | Clerodendrum molle - N |
Sullivan Bay
Santiago Island
Difficulty: Difficult
Landing: Dry or wet landing
Espumilla Beach
Santiago Island
Difficulty: Moderate
Landing: Wet Landing
Puerto Egas
Santiago Island
Difficulty: Moderate
Landing: Wet Landing